A website is a necessity for entrepreneurs, small businesses, home-based businesses, affiliate marketing and anybody selling products or services or dropship business. Most of your audience will first search for you on Google, regardless of your other marketing methods. A website will enable potential customers to either find you or […]

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Cloud technology has brought many opportunities for a business to compete on a global scale. Cloud Computing allows information or data to be stored on a server and users can access it over the internet. Many businesses are migrating to the cloud and experiencing the benefits that were never possible […]

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As per Official Blog of Laravel, there is a possibility of SQL injection when user controlled input is passed as the “exclude ID” parameter of Laravel’s unique rule, such as: Rule::unique(‘users’)->ignore($request->input(‘id’)) The unique rule’s “exclude ID” feature is intended to only accept system-generated IDs, such as auto-incrementing IDs or UUIDs […]

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