Sometimes it is hard to decide which hosting plan is right for your requirement. When your website is small, shared hosting will work, just to start with. However, what happens when your site begins to grow? and require more resources to run your website without any issues. On the other hand, a dedicated server will provide everything you need, but can really take a bite out of your budget.
The good news is that a Virtual Private Server hosting plans offer you a better performance at an affordable price with the freedom to choose the Operating System (OS) and the software you need to be installed along with the benefits of increased flexibility on a reliable server.
What is VPS Hosting?
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) uses virtualization software to partition physical servers into multiple “virtual” servers – each having the ability to run its own operating system and applications. A VPS hosting it’s technically both shared hosting and dedicated hosting. VPS provides a set of resources that are solely for your use. Plus, it’s a much cheaper option than dedicated server hosting. Along with that, the customers may have superuser-level access to the operating system. This helps the customer install any software that’s running on the Operating system.
Benefits of using VPS
VPS hosting it’s a great option for small or medium scale businesses to improve in the field of control, performance, and flexibility. The users of the virtual private server have more experience on a professional level, and they know about the business needs from web hosting. VPS increases the availability, speed, and security that are essential to every business.
1. Reliability
The independence of the VPS from other virtual servers on the physical hardware means it provides an environment and resources that are specifically for your website and no one else. Compared with shared hosting, this makes VPS far more reliable. Traffic from other websites will no longer be your concern, and your site will be safely sectioned off in its own space. These factors can play a huge role in ensuring that your site provides a reliable experience for visitors.
2. Increased Performance
With more resources dedicated entirely to your business needs, you get far better server performance. Improved processing power and capacity means your website can load much faster, increase conversion rates and boost your search engine ranking.
3. Cost Saving
VPS is less expensive than a dedicated server hosting, which is pretty amazing considering that the services it provides are almost similar to that of a dedicated server. On the other hand, VPS hosting plans are a bit more expensive than shared hosting because of its upgraded features, resources, and support but you can also find many affordable services out there.
4. Freedom of OS and Software
When you use shared hosting, you have no choice over the type of OS you want to use for hosting your website. Since it is exclusively managed by hosting providers, they use the type of OS they want to use for the shared hosting server. Everyone on the shared hosting server has to use the same one.
However, with the VPS, you are free to choose the type of OS and software that you want to use as per your requirements.
5. Root Access
VPS enables you to have root access to your server. This enables users full access and control over how you want to configure your server and any application installation. i.e. you have complete control over how your website runs, what applications you want to run and how you want to configure the security aspects of your server.
6. Portability
One of the most common problems of owning a physical server is the portability of the application and the speed with which you can move over the applications to another server. VPS enables the portability of applications with ease. When you decide to downgrade or upgrade your server, the image will be moved to another server in no time with zero downtime.
7. Security
Server security is one of the most important aspects that need to be handled properly in order to keep your data safe and secure. One of the highest benefits of VPS is that it ensures a high level of security. Even if you share the server with other users, your data remains confidential among your private environment. VPS hosting provides you a secure platform to host your business without any compromise.
8. Dedicated Resources
Similar to the dedicated server, all the resources of your VPS are dedicated entirely to you. The amount of disc space, RAM & CPU available with VPS is more than you get with shared hosting. This enables you to get more traffic and run more applications without any issues.
9. Multiple Domains
Just because you have a small business, does not mean you have to have only one domain. Many companies have multiple domains for different products or branches of their business. This is another area where selecting a VPS service is advantageous as it has the resources to support more domains without compromising performance or reliability.
10. Server Monitoring
With the increased need for security against cyberattacks, Geek Crunch Hosting provides 24/7/365 pro-actively monitoring your server and associated hardware for any threats. Server monitoring ensures that threats such as hacking, malware, and DDoS attacks are dealt with swiftly before they can do any damage.
11. Cloud Data Backups
With the focus on your business, back-ups are typically unlimited and automated. There is no limit due to space constraints and cloud back-ups can even be automated, so you won’t have to give it a second thought. Backing up your data is absolutely critical and should be a routine part of your operation.
VPS hosting provides an affordable way to upgrade from shared hosting to a solution that offers many of the features of a dedicated server: more resources increased control and greater flexibility. Add to this the managed services and technical support that come with a VPS and it’s the ideal solution for small and medium-sized businesses looking to improve their IT capabilities.
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