Apps-Valley is a firm in Egypt who approached us for Hosting their newly developed website after having a lot of issues with their current provider NetFirms.
Problems with NetFirms
- Extremely slow load times
- Frequent downtime
- Hidden Costs (pay extra to install an SSL bought from outside)
- Outdated version of phpMySQL.
- E-Mails (NO DKIM or SPF records setup)
We have been working with a Khaled Hamouda (CEO, Apps Valley). Apps Valley is a firm working on a lot of services from Mobile Development to Custom Application Development. More Information about them can be found: (https://apps-valley.net).
Their current provider was NetFirms. It is an EIG Brand. EIG Hosting Brands are never a good choice for anyone. I have rarely come across clients who are actually happy with EIG or some of my clients are genuinely surprised that other Hosting companies are not holding clients to hostage for simple things like SSL. I know it is a strong term that I am using for my competitors, but there were no kinder words I can find because I am also from the same industry and when companies like EIG who behave irresponsibly, it is something that we can’t agree with.
Different companies have different business models. There are no two words about the same. For instance, if you buy an SSL from “Outside” EIG Group, you are forced to buy a dedicated IP Address. You will need to purchase a dedicated IP from BlueHost. Ref: https://my.bluehost.com/cgi/help/204 (I will call this an extortion). Technically you don’t need a dedicated IP address to install an SSL certificate. We provide FREE SSL to all our clients and if they get their own SSL, they can still install it via cPanel on the shared IP provided to them.
When my potential client was facing a lot of downtimes and lack of support, he was finally convinced to move away from EIG Brand. He was happy to move to Geek Crunch Hosting Business Hosting package.
What we learnt during the migration process that the performance of their website speed was drastically affected due to outdated servers. Having a slow website, affected their ranking on Google and also increased their bounce rates. For instance, NetFirms uses phpMyAdmin version 2.x (amazing OLD).
Our onboarding team gives free migration. Moving out of NetFirms is a major issue. Let’s say backups were not possible.
Why my Client moved to Geek Crunch Hosting from NetFirms:
- Free SSL
- SSD Based Hosting
- 1 GBPS Port Speed
- PHP 7.2 with FPM
- HTTP/2 (based on Google SPDY Protocol)
- 1 Click Install to over 350+ Applications
- No Hidden Cost
- FREE Backups
- Faster Load Times: their website load time was reduced from 16s+ to less
then 3.5s. Without a single modification to their WordPress - Improved Google SEO Rank
- No downtime – it’s been over 3 years they are with us and till date, they have no downtime on their site.
- We are now their preferred choice when it comes to hosting.
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