When you are starting a business and building a website, shared hosting will fulfill your requirements. But as and when your business starts to grow, you will require more dedicated resources to handle the amount of traffic on your website and running your business smoothly. Especially for the larger business and eCommerce website, they are likely to get more traffic, Dedicated Server Hosting is more preferable. However, the right time to move to a dedicated server from shared hosting or VPS hosting depends upon various factors.
What is a Dedicated Server?
A dedicated server is a type of remote server that is entirely dedicated to an individual, organization or application. It is deployed, hosted and managed by a hosting, cloud or managed service provider (MSP). A dedicated server is exclusive and not shared with any other customer, service or application. This means that no two customers will share the resources i.e. RAM, hard disc, bandwidth, network, etc. that are available on your dedicated server.
This type of service is designed to allow 100% up-time and enterprise-level clients can rest assured that the service is available to them without any compromise. Mission-critical applications also require dedicated servers to be backed by sophisticated and powerful, fully redundant, infrastructure which sets data centers apart from traditional computer servers in an office environment. The cost associated with dedicated servers varies depending upon the infrastructure deployed but is almost always more economical than purchasing the server hardware outright and managing it internally.
Should you invest in a Dedicated Server?
There are quite a few reasons as to why you should opt for a Dedicated Server Hosting.
Dedicated Resources
Dedicated Server offers dedicated resources to run your website or application that is hosted. It provides you a dedicated IP, disc space, RAM, enough amount of bandwidth, etc. to run your application without any issues. You don’t have to share any resources with anyone. This ensures you have complete control over every single issue like how the resources are distributed and what resource is used for what purpose. You don’t have to worry over issues like limitations on bandwidth usage and slowing down of server etc.
Improved Security

Another reason to opt for a Dedicated Server Hosting is that it provides better security compared to shared hosting. Since you don’t have to share the server space with any other website, you don’t have to worry about getting your data affected by the adverse effects of other websites. If you are part of a business organization that handles sensitive information and securing those is one of your main concerns, a dedicated server is the best option for you. This is because these servers offer one of the highest levels of security against all kinds of adware, malware, ransomware DDoS attacks and much more. You can also configure firewalls to meed your security requirement and also set up added security software depending upon your requirements.
Better Performance
Since all the resources of a dedicated server are 100% fully available to run your website or application, you can a better performance on your hosted application. This means you are not affected by the traffic pattern of other websites you could be otherwise sharting resources with. You have got more processing power available to scale up your business as and when required.
Enhanced Scalability
As your business grows, you will require more resources in terms of CPU power, space, RAM, bandwidth etc to manage your data and traffic. Dedicated Server ensures that you get required additional resources with ease to manage all your data without any issues. This helps scale your business up without needing to switch to a new hosting provider.
This is one of the main reasons as most of the corporates prefer to invest in dedicated servers as it provides a better suitable option to manage their workflow.
Complete Control
When you opt for a dedicated server, you have got the root access of the server. This helps you to install any application and software that are required to run your business. You can configure the server as you want in terms of hardware customization, firewalls setup, security enhancement and setting up the configurations as per your requirements.

Since taking complete control requires a great amount of knowledge as to how the server works and security aspects associated with that. If you want your server to be managed by experts, you can always choose the managed dedicated hosting solution where all the aspects of your server are fully managed by hosting providers so you can free up your time and focus on your business and whats more important rather than managing a server.
Great for SEO
Loading speed is one of the major variables that Search Engines look at while ranking websites for their search results. Dedicated servers typically provide faster loading speeds. Another factor is having a unique IP address and not being lumped in with other websites that might be sharing the same server as you. If Search Engines categorize any of them as spammy, it might reflect on your ranking as well. Having a unique IP address helps you avoid that!
Dedicated Server definitely provides far better performance and security compared to shared hosting, but it comes with a price. So if your business is already making great revenue and you need more reliability better security and privacy for maintaining the performance and reputation of your site then dedicated hosting can be the best option for you.
If you need any further help in deciding the specific requirement for your business, get in touch with our experts today to get an optimum solution for your business.
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