Seeing what WordPress has grown into today, you might think it has been around for decades. Well, it has been around for close to 15 years now. To think that a blogging software could elicit that much attention in its market niche was unfathomable until WordPress did it, opening up an entirely new world of possibilities. WordPress grew from being just a blogging software to a fully-fledged CMS of choice for the design and creation of many non-blogging sites. If you are not on WordPress, there is only one question for you, ‘what are you thinking?’ well, you probably had your reasons as to why you preferred the channel that you used to develop your site. And while they may have been valid, take a look at some of the below ten reasons why you should use WordPress as your platform of choice for your company’s site.
Easy to use
With its very intuitive interface and well laid out navigation makes WordPress very easy to use. You don’t need to be a professional web developer to be able to work with WordPress. As a matter of fact, a few tutorials are what you need to get started on designing and developing your very own site. Adding blog posts, new pages and images is a walk in the park.
Manage your site from any place using any PC
The fact that WordPress, for the most part, is a browser-based system means that you can log-in into your WordPress account on any PC provided it has a connection to the internet. This provides you the
No FTP software or HTML editing software required
WordPress is a CMS that is self-sufficient. It does not need any additional HTML editing software like Dreamweaver to function properly. You are able to create new blog posts, pages, upload images, format texts, upload documents, image galleries and video files all without the help of additional software.
Search engines love WordPress
The code that is behind WordPress is very simple and clean. This makes it very easy for the search engines such as Google to read as well as index the content of the site. In addition to this, the fact that it is
Full control of the site
When you use other methods to create, design and develop the site, you will need the developer later-on to manage as he is the only one who understands the code. With WordPress however, things are not the same. You can handle managing the site. Making updates when the need arises.
The design is totally customizable
WordPress is the engine that your site runs on. The way your site feels and looks is totally up to you. You can customize it to suit your preferences so that your brand shines through the site thereby providing your visitors with the best experience yet.
Inbuilt ready to use blog
The fact that WordPress started out as a blogging platform means that the blogging capabilities are in-built and are very easy to integrate into your site. Setting up email subscriptions, comments and automatically adding the recent blogs to the other pages is very easy to set-up
Multiple plugins available extending functionality of your site
If you are looking to add a video gallery an event calendar, twitter feed, a Facebook Fan Box or sliding images, you can do so using the many WordPress plugins that are available. Many of them are free and those that are on sale go for a very low price
The site grows with your business
Sites made using WordPress are very scalable. It is possible to have hundreds or even thousands of blog posts and pages and you will not notice any hitches in the performance of the site.
Support multiple users
As the administrator of the site, you have the power to set-up multiple users for the site. You can assign each of the users varying levels of access.You realize that a website is very crucial for the success of your online business.
As you might have seen, the CMS platform that you choose has a big impact to whether or not your business succeeds or not. The above benefits are proof enough that you should not be looking anywhere else apart from WordPress for your site. If you haven’t yet put a site, then choose WordPress. If you already running a site on a different platform, then you have a choice to make. It should be difficult though as all the cards on the table are in favor of WordPress – make the right choice.
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